Class of 1980
High School
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James Bardachino
Sharon Bennett (Masiello)
Deborah Bruton
David Bryan
Terri Bullock (Indrikovic)
James Caggiano
Laurie Collings (Heins)
Guy Conway
Harold Cox
Kevin Cronin
Debbie Docherty (Rosetty)
Gary Dorfman
Tracey Doyle (Lajoie)
Mary Durner (Nolan)
Adam Falk
Linda Fan
Larry Geber
Barry Goldberg
Sharon Grover
Richard Gunnell
Malenie Husak (Piscetelli)
Francine Hyman (Colavita)
Andrew Jaeger
Melissa Juricic (Bilyeu)
Donald Kasper
Jeffrey Knoll
Nancy Leider (Sheehan)
Anthony LoBianco
Victoria Mason (Sheridan)
Christopher Mays
Lisa McClellan (Wright)
Leslie Mendelson (Kerekes)
April Miller (Miller)
Lisa Millner (Suttner)
Richard Myers
Maureen Rice (Tucci)
Donna Ritter (Campbell)
Janice Ritter (Vaclavicek)
James Russo
Yasmin Saifi (Parr)
Teresa Santosuosso (Petersen)
Anthony Sbarra
Susan Steckman (Berman)
Dawn Storch (Herzog)
Catherine Susky (Croshaw)
Scott Webber
Allen Wenc
Bob Wilson